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Dec. 6, 2021: City council held a second reading of the zoning ordinance. The revised parking requirements will go into effect on Dec. 31, 2021.


Section 36-361 regulates off-street parking, paved areas and loading spaces. The purpose of the parking requirements, as stated in the code, is to prevent congestion on public rights of way for the safety and welfare of the public. The regulations are created through analysis of the associated land use intensity, duration, time and style and result in design requirements and standards for such facilities.

The purpose of this set of amendments is to recalibrate the city’s minimum parking requirements for certain uses. Essentially, we are reviewing areas where we can reduce parking requirements to support efficient, sustainable, and affordable growth. Parking is expensive and has many indirect costs. These regulations can help reduce costs for housing and business, reduce environmental impacts and make better use of land. It is one component of implementing the goals expressed in the St. Louis Park 2040 comprehensive plan, including climate action, inclusionary housing, race equity, livability, health, and mobility.

Summary of proposed changes (listed in the order they appear in the ordinance):

  1. Clarify language regarding the zoning administrator in the zoning code.
  2. Amend certain land use descriptions
    1. Rename elderly housing to age-restricted housing and change the age from 60 to 55 and over.
    2. Add coffee shop to the descriptions list.
    3. Significantly reduce parking requirements for accessory outdoor seating uses in the C-1, C-2, O, BP, MX-1, MX-2, and PUD 10 zoning district.
    4. Add two subcategories of restaurants: sit-down and fast food. Revise the general restaurant description to include outdoor seating as integral to the principal use, rather than considering it to be accessory.
  3. Table 36-361(a)
    1. Revise the format of the minimum number of stalls table [Table 361(a)].
    2. Revise the formulas for determining the required quantity of parking stalls for multi-family residential uses.
    3. Change the name of elderly housing to age-restricted housing; change the description from 60 and older to 55 and older; no change to the parking formula for age-restricted housing.
    4. Add outdoor seating as an accessory use and reduce the amount of parking required for outdoor seating.
    5. Divide restaurant uses into two subcategories: sit-down restaurants have the same parking requirement as the current code; fast food restaurants have a reduced parking requirement.
    6. Add taproom and microdistillery cocktail room parking requirements to the table.
  4. Table 36-361(b): Removed “proposed” from header and correct typographical errors.
  5. Add language allowing city council to revise parking requirements based on verifiable information as part of applications for conditional use permits or planned unit developments.
  6. Add four new categories of transit parking reductions and revised existing language of parking reductions section based on the type and level of transit service in close proximity to a site or use, including residential uses.
  7. Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) requirements
    1. Increase the number and level of required EVSE for all uses.
    2. Clarify general requirements.
  8. Clarify language regarding what type of activity causes bicycle parking requirements to be applied.
  9. Clarify procedural language regarding shared parking requirements.

Public meetings

  • Aug. 4, 2021: Planning commission discussed current parking requirements at study session.
  • Nov. 3, 2021: Planning commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of the ordinance.
  • Nov. 15, 2021: City council held a first reading of the ordinance.
  • Dec. 6, 2021: City council held a second reading of the ordinance.

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