St. Louis Park, MN
Home MenuFree Wi-Fi
Where is there free Wi-Fi?
Free Wi-Fi is available at these St. Louis Park f:acilities
- St. Louis Park City Hall
- St. Louis Park Police Department lobby
- The Rec Center, Aquatic Park and ROC (Recreation Outdoor Center)
- Municipal Service Center (MSC)
- Westwood Hills Nature Center main building and picnic shelter building
- Public areas of Fire Station 1 and Fire Station 2
- Aquila, Birchwood, Browndale, Fern Hill, Louisiana Oaks, Nelson and Oak Hill park shelters and picnic shelter
- Linear Park (West End between Utica Avenue South and Highway 100 frontage road)
- Wolfe Park Building, playground area and Veterans' Memorial Amphitheater
Why Wi-Fi in the parks?
Fiber is available in several city park buildings to provide security cameras and to allow remote locking and unlocking of bathroom facilities at park buildings. The security cameras are useful in dealing with issues of vandalism and dumping while the ability to make park restrooms available in an efficient way makes the parks more usable.
Wi-Fi makes the city facilities and parks more attractive for casual users as well as those who rent park shelters. Additionally, it fits the city's strategic priorities of creating opportunities to build social capital through community engagement and being a leader in racial equity and inclusion in order to create a more just and inclusive community for all.