Rainwater rewards
St. Louis Park’s Rainwater Rewards program offers financial and technical assistance to residents that complete stormwater management projects on their property, including rain gardens, permeable pavement, green roofs, rain barrels and more.
Water efficiency rebates
Rebates for water saving devices, such as toilets, irrigation systems, and Energy Star washing machine and dishwashers, may qualify for rebates through the city. Be aware that funds are limited! Visit the water and sewer page for more information.
Tree planting discounts
With the city's new full service tree planting option, residents can order discounted trees through Tree Trust, a local nonprofit, and work directly with them to have the tree planted at a discounted service rate. Higher discounts are available for homes located in Environmental Justice priority areas and for homes that recently lost an ash tree due to emerald ash borer (EAB).
Residents can also participate in the annual tree sale to purchase and plant reduced-cost trees on their own. The tree sale usually starts in March, and trees are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Learn more about emerald ash borer and other tree health topics.
Plant pollinator-friendly landscaping
St. Louis Park encourages homeowners to convert their lawns to native pollinator-promoting plants, and these lawns are exempted from the tall-grass ordinance. Native plant lawns require less fertilizer and less water, and promote healthy pollinator environments. Learn more by visiting the bees and pollinators page.
Backyard composting
Backyard composting is a great way to reduce waste! The city provides information on requirements for setting up a compost bin, what can and can't go in a backyard bin, and other resources such as educational events and compost bin sales.
Finished commercial compost is also available on a limited basis to residents who participate in the organics program. An email notification is sent to participants when it becomes available each spring and fall.
Depave SLP
With Depave SLP, property owners who remove pavement and fill in the space with native plants, trees, rain gardens, pollinator habitat or permeable pavers may be eligible for partial city reimbursement.
Tree planting reimbursement
Through the Shade SLP cost share tree planting program, commercial and nonprofit property owners can hire any vendor to plant up to three trees on their property and the city will share the cost.
Water efficiency rebates
Rebates for water saving devices, such as toilets, irrigation systems, and Energy Star washing machine and dishwashers, may qualify for rebates through the city. Be aware that funds are limited! Check out the water and sewer page for more information.
Salt smart
Over salting in the winter can erode buildings, pit sidewalks, damage vegetation, pollute our water and harm aquatic life. Salt accumulates in the water over time, and there's no feasible way to treat or remove it. Learn more about smart salting practices.