St. Louis Park, MN
Home MenuBoard of Zoning Appeals
The St. Louis Park Board of Zoning Appeals (BOZA) act in an advisory capacity to the city council. BOZA hears and makes recommendations on matters referred to them or when it is required under the zoning ordinance.
The board will hear and decide on variances to be granted in regard to the zoning ordinance and other applicable state laws. The board will also hear and decide on appeals from any order, requirement, permit decision, refusal or determination from the zoning administrator or interpretation of the zoning ordinance. Recommendations, reports and records from the board are communicated to the city council.
Meetings are held the first and third Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. and are shown live on ParkTV channel 17.
Board liaison
Gary Morrison
Zoning administrator
Zoning and planning main phone line: 952.924.2575